Student Attendance

School attendance plays a critical role in enhancing the lives of students in schools.

Every day of attendance adds to a student's achievement and success at school. Schools in partnership with parents are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students.

Since 1870, schooling has been compulsory in Australia. Unfortunately, for many children learning at school has been optional. The learning needs of some students have not always being adequately catered for in a traditional, one-size-fits-all approach to learning and teaching.

While schooling remains compulsory today, Catholic schools in the Diocese of Parramatta also want learning to be compulsory by delivering a schooling experience that caters to the needs, abilities and interests of each student. Our school leaders and teachers are working hard to ensure students receive a personalised, relevant and meaningful Catholic education.

There are many ways in which families can support their children to be prepared for learning at school. For example, by making school attendance a high priority in your family; by ensuring children get enough sleep, a good diet and regular exercise; by encouraging reading from an early age; by sharing the learning journey through an active involvement in your child’s school, hobbies and extracurricular activities, and so on.

Of course, in order for students to learn at school, they need to show up. In fact, it is illegal for school-aged child not to attend school. Even more troubling though, is the learning a child will miss if they do not attend school. If a student misses as little as eight days each term, by the end of primary school they will have missed over a year of learning.

Learn more about the importance of attendance