Remembrance Day services

Councillor Chris Van der Kley, deputy mayor, lays a wreath on behalf of the Blue Mountains City Council.


Remembrance Day services

A SMALL gathering of 40 people attended a Remembrance Day Service in Lawson on November 11.

"Whilst small, it was great that we as a club (Lawson Combined Services Club) was able to hold the service considering the challenges of COVID," said club president Glen Benson

"If the chance arose, we were determined to hold the event to remember those who did not come home."

Retired Lt. Col. Peter Sweeny (Reserve Force Decoration) delivered the main address.

Lt. Col. Peter Sweeny RFD Ret'd delivers the main address at Lawson | Attendees at the service sit in the Honour Gardens at Lawson.

Blue Mountains deputy mayor Chris Van der Kley was among the dignitaries to attend.

Other COVID-safe services were held in the Mountains, including at Springwood War Memorial where local high school students, including from Winmalee High and St Columba's College, helped mark the occasion.